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Thursday, January 1, 2015

Currently: January 2015

I'm linking up with the wonderful Farley over at Oh' Boy Fourth Grade for this month's "Currently". It's so hard for me to believe that it's already 2015! 2014 was such a wonderful year and I cannot wait for all of the excitement that this new year will bring. I can now officially say that I get to marry my best friend this year! I am beyond excited! 

On to the linky:

Listening: Football has been on all day. I'm not much of a football fan, but Michigan State certainly had an amazing win today! Go Green! 

Loving: Two full weeks of vacation has been wonderful. I've been able to relax, spend time with family, and sleep in. 

Thinking: I have a few meetings next week and I still need to finish up some paperwork. I have no motivation for it now, so it'll probably get done this weekend. I wish I could muster up the energy for it now though!

Wanting: I've been in Northern Michigan for the past few days visiting Joe's family and it's been snowing pretty consistently. I wish I could take some of it with me to North Carolina. It's so beautiful and calming. 

Needing: Joe and I are starting our first Whole30 on Monday. I've already planned my meals and have my grocery list ready. I am beyond excited to see what happens during the 30 days. I've done a lot of research and joined up with some other teachers who are doing it this month as well. I think it will be an amazing experience. If you're doing the Whole30 this month, use the hashtag #teachersofwhole30 so we can connect!

Yes: I have been so inconsistent with blogging this past year. My goal for the new year is to blog about once a week. As long as I focus and put forth the effort, I can do it!

Maybe: My mom is running a half marathon in the spring and she wants me to do it with her. I've ran a few 5Ks and one 10K, but I think a half marathon might be too much. I need to get into the groove of running again and that might be the motivation I need!

I Wish: I would like to take a trip to Europe within the next few years. Depending on finances, I'd love to begin planning later this year and hopefully take the trip in 2016. Those of you who've been before, how did you find cheap ways to get there and get around? 

Enjoy your last few days of break!

1 comment:

  1. I don't know what the Whole30 is! I think I need to look it up! If it is a healthy eating plan, I am also trying to eat healthy in 2015. I giving up soda and it is going to be so hard! Good luck!
