It's time for Week 3 of the SPED Summer Blog Hop! This week we are talking all about Back to School Forms.
IEP Snapshots:
Before the school year starts, I provide all of the regular education teachers with an IEP snapshot. On this, I share the child's disabilities, the type and amount of special education services they receive, an overview of their classroom accommodations, and any other information I have that can help the teachers work with our students.
**Keep your eyes out for a freebie IEP snapshot coming soon**
**Keep your eyes out for a freebie IEP snapshot coming soon**
Accommodation Forms:
These forms list all of the testing accommodations that my students will receive on end of the year assessments. I hand these out to the general education teachers so my students are given these accommodations throughout the school year, so they are comfortable when they receive them on benchmarks and end of the year assessments.
Back to School Parent Letter:
I did not do this last year, but this year I plan to send home a parent letter. Many of my students' parents did not show up to our open house, so the first time I met a lot of them was at their child's annual review IEP meeting. Even though I know many of my parents this year because I worked with them last year, I want to give them a letter with my contact information so they can reach me if they need to. I haven't made it yet, so I'd love to hear any tips you have on parent letters, especially for inclusion/resource teachers!
- Make more copies than you need! We have so many kids moving in the beginning of the school year in our district that my case load changes a lot in the first few weeks of school! Always make more, so you won't have to run to the copy machine every time something changes.
- Give the general education teachers as much information as you can before the first day for kids. The more they know and the earlier they know it, the better they can differentiate instruction and activities to meet the needs of all of the learners in their classrooms.
- Talk with the general education teachers to see what information they are sending home with the kids in the first week. If they are asking parents to return a survey about their child's learning style or a questionnaire with important contact information, ask them to share it with you. The information could be valuable as you plan your instruction or contact parents.
Visit Sarah at The Eager Teacher to see what forms she uses at the beginning of the school year!
Great tips!!