It's FRIDAY! It took a long time to get here, but it's finally here!
I'm linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for this week's Five for Friday. Here's a bit about my week!
I'm linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for this week's Five for Friday. Here's a bit about my week!

One of my favorite iPad apps right now is Letter School. It's a letter writing app that I'm using for my kids that are really struggling with letter formation. The best part about it is that it scaffolds the letter writing. When they start working with a letter, they are tracing it. After a few tries, they are writing the letter by themselves. My reluctant to write kindergartner asks to use this app all the time. His letter formation is starting to improve, which makes my teacher heart so happy.
It costs $4.99 for all 26 letters, but you can try out A-E for free to see if you like it!
It costs $4.99 for all 26 letters, but you can try out A-E for free to see if you like it!

My third graders are ROCKING syllable types. So far, we have gone over open and closed syllables and I am definitely noticing an improvement in their decoding skills. I had a few students that were struggling with CVC words and using the correct vowel sounds. Teaching about syllable types has eliminated this problem for them. They are breaking apart words and beginning to understand when to use short vs. long vowel sounds.
I'm working on a blog post to give more detail on what we're doing.
I'm working on a blog post to give more detail on what we're doing.

I've updated my Ten Frame Pack! I'm really excited with how it turned out. Click here to find it in my store!

On the wedding planning front: This week we ordered our invitations and finally blocked off hotel rooms. Things are finally coming together and I'm so excited! Only 5 1/2 more months!
I love how our invitations turned out!

The forecast for this weekend looks amazing. Hopefully I can get all of my to-do list items checked off tomorrow so I can enjoy the warmth on Sunday! If it's not going to snow, I want it to be warm!
Overall, though, it has been a choice to allow playing adverts, it hasn't been some filtering mistake, and so maybe we're caught with Apple bringing us the sort of experience you count on from Android. Only, the potential for this issue and blow-back about it is so nice that no person at Apple can have been ignorant of it. Outside observers could have hoped for a more curated, careful ad coverage, however insiders have had time to actually do it — and 카지노사이트 apparently haven't.