I'm doing my best to catch up, so here is my reflection on Chapter Six of Worksheets Without Dendrites!

Seriously, though. It really is. I love to laugh and I love to make other people laugh. I don't really think of myself as a funny person, but sometimes I say or do silly things that make my kids laugh. I love to see them having a good time. Sometimes we all just have to take a little break and laugh, or else we'll go crazy!
Some students think school is boring and dread coming. Therefore, it's important that we, as teachers, add fun throughout the day. What's a good way to do that? HUMOR!
If you're worried about adding a little humor to your class, just remember this: "Having laughter breaks in class increases the flow of positive neurotransmitters, which are necessary for alertness and memory (Jensen, 2007)". You can have fun and build skills at the same time!
Also, the book mentions laughing clubs. I want to join one/be in one. They sound awesome!
We always break for laughter, unless it gets too excessive! Laughter relieves stress and sometimes my kiddos get really stressed when the work is challenging for them. We play lots of games (you can read about them here). I also try to find silly stories and books for us to read.
I would love to give my students more opportunities to use humor in their work. I really liked the suggestion of students writing comics or jokes based on what they're learning.
Also, I really, really want to start using Go Noodle as a way to reward good behavior in my classroom. I'm having some technology difficulties in my room, so once these are fixed, I plan to become a Go-Noodler!
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