1-4. Visit Nashville, Chicago, Northern Michigan, and Toledo:
Every summer my boyfriend and I visit our families up north. This year, we are adding two places to the list of destinations: Nashville and Chicago. We spent a night in Nashville last year, so we are making another trip. I haven't visited Chicago since I lived there two years ago, so I am beyond excited to return to my favorite city!!
5. Read for fun.
I love, love, love to read and I have no time to read during the school year. I bought Divergent for my Kindle a few months ago, but haven't had a chance to read it. I guess that's what the summer is for!
6. Get an A in both of my Master's classes.
I have two summer classes and my goal is to get an A in both. I have gotten all A's so far, so I'm hoping to continue that throughout my entire program. Wish me luck! :)
7. Get lots and lots of vegetables from my garden.
I built some raised beds about a month ago and my garden is growing like crazy. I've gotten a few cherry tomatoes, and I'm hoping to get some more produce within the next month. I'll post pictures later!
8. Make more things for TpT.
I've started getting serious about TpT within the last month. I have a lot of ideas that I want to work on this summer, so I'm looking forward to having the time! I'm currently working on a tens frames packet, and I'm really excited to share that with everyone and use it in my own classroom!
9. Make some yummy food.
I love to cook, but I don't have the time (or energy) to cook nice meals on weekdays during the school year. I can't wait to make some of the recipes I have saved on Pinterest!
10. Relax!
I am really excited to spend some time this summer sleeping in and being lazy. After such a busy and emotionally taxing school year, I deserve it. So do all of you other wonderful teachers out there! Enjoy your summers :)
Wow! Lots of traveling--I am jealous! I also have a lot of ideas for TPT and hope to get a lot accomplished this summer! Your blog design is adorable : )